Best Technology for you
Experience nail services with electronic devices, performed by an expert, without damaging the natural growth of your nail.
Premium Products
We only use high quality products.
Individual approach
Our services are personalized and in a private environment; according to the needs of each client.
Its essence lies in the execution of the procedure on completely dry hands, as wet skin is susceptible to damage from unnecessary removal of excess skin. Using an electronic device with various accessories enhances this technique, ensuring a professional service. With these two elements combined, we can process the cuticle, correct the nail shape, level their surface, and achieve a PERFECT finish with a durability of up to 5 weeks or more.
1.Use of Electronic Devices. Allowing to select different accessories according to each client.
2. Exceptionally “dry”. Reducing the risk of injuries and/or cut injuries.
3. Reduces the growth rate of the cuticle.
4. Perfect alignment of the nail plate, resulting in impeccable application of color and design.
5. Discover the secret to beautifully groomed nails that last for an amazing 5 weeks or even longer!